Our Mission
The mission of UC Merced Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) is to support the mental health and well-being of our students. It is the intention of all CAPS staff to provide a safe, confidential atmosphere of acceptance and accessibility to professionals in the field of psychology. Services specialize in the unique needs of UC Merced students in an effort to promote their academic, personal and social development.
CAPS clinical staff include licensed psychologists, therapists, clinical social workers, interns, and trainees. CAPS clinicians are committed to providing high quality mental health services and developing and maintaining multicultural inclusivity in services provided.
Diversity Statement
The University of California, Merced (UCM) is one of the most diverse college campuses in the United States with the highest percentage of first-generation college freshman amongst all of the UC campuses. UCM Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) focuses on meeting the unique needs of this population as well as striving to maintain an environment that is supportive and affirming of all cultural diversity statuses, including but not limited to:
• Ethnicity
• Race
• National Origin
• Age
• Socioeconomic Status
• Gender Identity and Expression
• Sexual Orientation
• First Language
• Ability Status
• Religion or Spiritual Beliefs/Affiliation
• Immigration Status
• Military Status
• Class
• First Generation (college student and/or American)
We acknowledge that the pursuit of multicultural awareness is a lifelong learning process. At CAPS, we believe part of that evolution involves increasing self-awareness by recognizing our own cultural limitations through our clients, community, colleagues and other educational resources. We welcome dialogue of varying perspectives as we continue to expand our knowledge base and understanding of the influences of diversity, marginalization and discrimination on the health and wellness of our students. Our aim is to integrate this learning process by celebrating differences, affirming diversity, and promoting equity and inclusion for all of our students. Our ultimate goal is to provide a safe, supportive, inclusive, and affirming environment for each and every UC Merced student.